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Getting started:

Explore and compare different species of microalgae based on various types of information, such as growth dynamics, nutritional value, and more.

The data on this site is aggregated from multiple scientific journals and is visually presented through informative box plots.

You have the flexibility to customize the displayed measurements in the table:

Customize the table view:
Design Help

You can also sort the data in the table using the median as the sorting criterion for numerical values.

Clicking on a box plot unveils comprehensive details about the corresponding measurement and species.

Sort the data and click on a plot in the table to access additional information.
Table Help

Moreover, when you hover over individual data points, you'll find convenient links to the respective publication and corresponding strain (if available).

Click on plot points in the newly opened section to explore more in-depth data.
Plot Help

About AlgaeCrop

AlgaeCrop is an open-source web platform that provides comprehensive information on algae and their metabolites, including lipids, proteins, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, and more.

Our goal is to support stakeholders interested in developing microalgae as a modern crop, akin to terrestrial crops, for various applications such as food production, nutrition sources, and environmental remediation.


AlgaeCrop is managed by OpenAlgae, a non-governmental organization dedicated to advancing research and education in the field of microalgae.

Data Sources:

AlgaeCrop currently relies on information from scientific journals that are published under open access.

Data Availability:

Data collected and processed in the AlgaeCrop project is made available through GitHub (as an SQLite database).


AlgaeCrop itself is an open-source project and is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.


AlgaeCrop is not responsible for any consequences or damages resulting from the use or reliance on the information provided on this website. Please be aware that certain species of microalgae can be toxic and harmful to humans and animals.

AlgaeCrop does not endorse any specific product or company mentioned on this website. Any commercial or promotional content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation.

By using this website, users agree to these terms and conditions, as well as any applicable laws and regulations.

  • Inclusion of fatty acid and amino acid profiles
  • Addition of min-max filtration
  • Implementation of filter search

Get involved:

Share Your Data from Scientific Journals

Do you have relevant data to contribute? Add it to our platform through the website Your contributions will expand the knowledge base and benefit others who are interested in microalgae research.

Spread the Word to Colleagues and Researchers

Help us build a thriving community focused on microalgae research and applications. Share AlgaeCrop with your colleagues and fellow researchers who may find it valuable. Together, we can advance our understanding and practical utilization of microalgae.

Provide Feedback for Continuous Improvement

We value your feedback and suggestions which you can provide through this form form or find us on linkedin or facebook.